Sunday, March 29, 2009

Miranda is 6 months old!

I can't believe it - our little baby girl is 6 months old! Happy half-birthday day, Miranda Ann! And what a big girl she is, growing like a weed and learning something new everyday. About 15 minutes ago she rolled onto her belly, then rolled onto her back, they once more onto her belly; very effectively rolling herself right into grasping distance of Jack, the object of her desire. Watch out world - she's mobile!

We went for Miranda's 6 month check-up on Thursday. Everything looks good, right on track! She weighs 15 lbs 13 oz; 27 inches long, and a good head size. Her weight is right at the 50% for her age, but her length is at the 85% - so she's a tall girl. She had a couple immunization shots at this appointment. That's usually a cry-fest, but she did so well this time! She gasped and turned red right when they poked her, then screeched and started to cry. But just then the Dr. peeked into the room and joked with the nurses to 'stop hurting the babies around here' to which we three chuckled, and that made Miranda laugh! So she did this crazy laugh while crying mixture, and then was fine. All told she was upset for about 20 seconds.

I'm constantly amazed at all the new things she can do. She sits pretty well now, but topples over before long. Her legs are getting really strong; she stands when we're holding her and kicks everything. Loves to kick and splash in the tub! She's so interactive and fun now - laughing and playing all the time. 2 weeks ago she'd have a giggle fit when we tickled her belly or kissed her neck. Now she'll laugh just at funny faces or voices; so we're telling lots of hilarious jokes :-). I love to cuddle this kid-o; we lay on the floor or in the bed and talk, cooing and giggling and just loving on each other! I hope to always remember these precious moments with my daughter; they swell up my heart with joy. She's seriously delightful!

List of tid-bits about Miranda: her eyes are still blue, she's loved every new baby food we've introduced, she hums while she nurses, she wakes up happy and talking, she loves to throw her head back and stretch out her neck, she watches Jack everywhere he goes and likes to pull his hair, she only poops once every 2 days, she doesn't have any teeth yet, she likes to bang on tables and anything with her hands, she sucks her toes whenever possible, she's growing hair but is mostly still a baldy, she loves to grab the remote-cell phone-cup-food away from mommy and daddy. I'd like to go on and on describing every wonderful little thing she does; but I may bore you all. In short - she's an awesome baby.

In other news:
- Our family members in North Dakota are all ok (right now at least); Fargo has a lot of waiting and watching this week yet.
- Pastor Brad at my church is a couple weeks into chemo and radiation treatment. He's feeling ok right now, but expected to get sick pretty soon. The prognosis on his cancer is not encouraging. The church has hired an interim, who will start after Easter.
- Dakota Wesleyan is undergoing a lot of change in personnel; which has been sad and tough on many. Brandon's job is ok, but he's losing some great co-workers and his department is restructuring a lot. I think he'll be moving offices this summer.
- B's been on the road almost every weekend leading services at various churches along with the Peru mission team. They're working hard to raise money for the trip. The team is really good and Brandon enjoys working with them; it will be a great mission trip this May.
- My brother and sister-in-law are expecting their baby in about 6 weeks! I'm so excited about this baby! We're going out to Boston in June to meet the little bundle of joy.

I'll work on some new pictures for the albums this afternoon - so check them out.


Grandma Marcia said...

What I love the most is that you take the time to realise how precious the little things are. Lay on that bed and talk as much as you can.... wish I had done that more with you. I still can't beleive how long Miranda is. She is going to be a ball player at this rate. Love you all.

Girl of Approval said...

I love reading your blog. It's so nice to read about how much someone loves their child and enjoys life. Sometimes I need a dose of happy like that. :o)

Also, that sweater is darn cute, if I do say so myself! She looks right grown up in it. All six months of her.