Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Vetter's had a great Thanksgiving, with a full house of fun! Miranda is up on her feet running all around, as long as someone comes along, and there were plenty of fingers to hold this weekend!

Vicky's Mom and Dad came down, and Mom made two fabulous meals that we'll be eating on for 2 weeks to come! Her brother Eric also came, and brought his super-nice girlfriend Laura, and super-playful puppy Cooper! So all together we were 6 adults, 1 baby, 2 dogs, and unfortunately 1 mouse; well ex-mouse thanks to Dad's late night heroics!

The weather was great, so we got some time in at the park. Miranda does love that swing!

And, of course, we had to show Laura the Corn Palace. Where else could she see a mural of a sag~way made of ears of corn stapled to the side of a garish building?!

There are a few pictures up on Picasa, but we were using other cameras more than mine, so I'll post more when I can steal them from everyone else.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving too!! Hi Jodi!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

October...where did you go?

I've neglected my blogging and posting of video duties. Apparently the kid turned one and I decided the world has seen enough of her. The grandparents don't agree though! So here are two videos for you, from her birthday, both over a month old - better late than never. It's surprising how she already seems older and smarter now than these videos, just 6 weeks ago. Watch for footage soon of some wobbly first steps...Miranda's pulling up and creeping along furniture, but not yet free-range.

This video is some clips from her actual birthday, Sept 29th.

The following video is a fun ball game Miranda came up with at Grandma's house in late September.

Mama and the baby leave for Boston on Wednesday, for a few days with Baby Alice and her parents. Grandma Marcia is coming too! Should be fun, but we wouldn't mind a little extra prayer coverage for the plane rides on Wed. and the following Sunday!