Thursday, January 29, 2009

World of firsts!

I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. Miranda has kept us hopping with lots of new activities; actually the rest of life is busy and she's a welcome respite. But we have had some firsts. She's just now getting over her first cold. That was a sad series of events. I had a cold and just as I was getting over it she started getting stuffy and weezy. By the next day her nose was running and she was just full of sneezes and coughs. Her little watery eyes and red drippy nose looked just absolutely pitiful. Meanwhile she had her 4 month check-up and had to get some more vaccines. So, she was a little feverish from that too. But she was a little trooper and after a day of sleeping and plenty of Tylenol she was doing much better. Today she was all smiles and giggles again. The giggles would be another one of her 'firsts' in recent weeks.

Her check-up had all good reports. She's up to 13 lbs and 13 oz. I was actually surprised, because I was sure she was over 14, maybe 15 already - she seems so big to me! But she's growing right on pace; she's consistently been at the 51% at each dr visit.

Other firsts have been: first birthday party (which was really just going out to dinner for Daddy's birthday) first pair of jeans (worn to Daddy's birthday) first bath without crying (mommy's happy about this, now we bathe every other day because she really likes it!) first taste of food (rice cereal, hopefully will help her sleep longer at night) and just for fun first time trying on Daddy's clothes (they're a little big).

There's lots of good new pictures on Picasa, follow the link to the right.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

so much to learn...

(Conversation at the Vetter house after returning from Christmas vacation)
Brandon: Miranda's happy to be back in her familiar swing.
Vicky: Yeah, it's too bad this one doesn't recline though, like the other one at home, that was nice.
Brandon: Seriously, you think all swing makers would think of that, since all baby's necks are so floppy.
Vicky: I know; wait, what does that metal bar on the back of the swing do?
Brandon (messing with the bar) Oh, it reclines the seat, so she doesn't flop around.
Vicky: Good to know, after 3 months of trying to prop her up in there!

Tip to future parents - if something seems inconveinent, check if there's a quick fix already available...Seems like the makers of baby-things have already figured a lot of this out. We've had about 3 simular scenarios to the one above already. So much to learn in baby world.

Big news: Miranda rolled from her belly to her back. To be fair, it was mostly like falling...she pushed up with her arms, and her heavy head just flipped her right around! But, nonetheless, we'll claim it as her first rolling action. Every time she's laid flat on her back now she twists up her back and legs and cranes her neck around. It looks terribly uncomfortable; but also seems like it'll lead to rolling eventually. Such a talented little girl :-)

She has a new favorite toy; it's a piano-like stand, with 5 big buttons that light up and play songs. She loves to lay on her back and watch all the flashing lights. Best of all, if it stops singing, she can kick her feet to hit a button and start it again. Oh the joy!