Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Walmart Pro Photos!

We took Miranda in for 'professional' one year pictures today. I say 'pro', because it was just Walmart, and not an independent photographer or anything fancy. It went pretty well; Miranda cooperated and was in a decent mood. She was a little apprehensive of all the new things, and this picture lady always yelping and whistling to make her look. This anxiety can be seen in the hand that never left her ear or mouth - but that's ok, looks pretty cute anyway!

Some really cute pictures in her little dress; and great ones with the beloved Pooh bear.

We gave her a cake and let her mess it, and herself, up. That was fun. She didn't give us many good smiles though, because she was just so interested in examining this new texture.

The great thing about Walmart, is that you get all the proofs on CD to use however you want - so, all the pics, even the 'enhancements' with frosted frames and whatnot, are up on Picasa!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Some more new pictures up on the Picasa page. I love Picasa and it's ever-growing collection of Miranda's life!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Office Party

Well it's been a busy week at the Vetter home, but we of course made time for our favorite show, The Office, which premiered a new season last night. In preparation, we watched a few episodes from Season 5, and discovered that Miranda HAS to compulsively dance to the opening theme song!

Just as funny was the little 2 1/2 year old girl that came to watch with us, who matter of factly asked her Mom and Dad "Is that Michael?" - I guess they've seen a few shows too!

Miranda is on Acid Reflux medicine, and Soy milk instead of Whole. These two things have helped settle down the puking, and we're all doing much better! Now she just needs to pack on some pounds and catch up to her previous growth curve. Watch out world, big baby on the way...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Joy and Angst

Miranda's day is filled with joy and sorrow as much as any adult. Except she can find joy in a seemingly uninteresting dish towel, and her angst doesn't extend much beyond yucky tasting food! It's good to be little :-)

Sadly, Miranda is still throwing up a good number of meals. We kept good track this week, to see the trends and any food connections. Nothing clear. But we do know she's thrown up 8 times in the past 7 days; so that's not great.