Saturday, August 29, 2009

11 months old

Today is Miranda's 11 month birthday - such a big girl. It'll be a one year celebrating before long! There are new pictures up on Picasa; a couple really good ones this week :-)

We started the acid reflux medicine last night - and then threw it all up. But we'll hopeful the puking will calm down sometime this week!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Puke and Freshmen

I haven't sat down to blog, or post pictures lately - but I have a good excuse; our lives have been covered in puke and freshmen. Thankfully not freshman puke - we'll leave that job to the RD's - but plenty of freshmen orientation and moving in activities that keep Brandon and his ministry team hoping. Leaving me to fend for myself at home with the puker. Miranda is having some sort of eating issue - mainly the issue being what see eats ends up all over her clothes, chair, spit rags, bibs, hair, mom's clothes, carpet, furniture, etc! She's throwing up about 1 meal a day, soemtimes 2. Lots of theories abound from other parents of pukers; we haven't pinpointed her issue yet. But the doc's are on it! In the meantime, she's still pretty happy and healthy and roaming all thoughout the house. So we're not too worried, just trying to make sure she gets enough calories and keep up with the ever increasing laundry!

I'll get some new pics up soon - I'll spare you pictures of the real 'action' around here though!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Forward Motion

Miranda is now exploring with forward motion; getting quicker by the day!

She immediately discovered fun new sounds in the kitchen. Don't worry, grandma, we put locks on the garbage, cleaners, and pots and pans.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Miranda is no longer limited by her lack of mobility. She is officially a crawler, as of last Friday, and has now become quite familiar with the word 'No.' I don't think I had to tell her 'no' before, now it's every hour. Mom and Dad are scrambling to lock up cabinet doors, close bathroom doors, get the dog away from the highchair at meal time, and prevent little whatevers, from anywhere in the room, from entering that tiny mouth. Thankfully, she seems to actually respond to NO, for now anyway. She'll typically stop what she's doing and look at us for clarification or further direction. We'll see if that lasts! It seems her personality has blossomed overnight as she now know exactly what she wants, and knows how to get there to reach it. Anyone getting in the way of this process will receive a back-arching, shreaking fit. But it only last about 10 seconds and she finds something new to coo at! Always an adventure!