Thursday, January 1, 2009

so much to learn...

(Conversation at the Vetter house after returning from Christmas vacation)
Brandon: Miranda's happy to be back in her familiar swing.
Vicky: Yeah, it's too bad this one doesn't recline though, like the other one at home, that was nice.
Brandon: Seriously, you think all swing makers would think of that, since all baby's necks are so floppy.
Vicky: I know; wait, what does that metal bar on the back of the swing do?
Brandon (messing with the bar) Oh, it reclines the seat, so she doesn't flop around.
Vicky: Good to know, after 3 months of trying to prop her up in there!

Tip to future parents - if something seems inconveinent, check if there's a quick fix already available...Seems like the makers of baby-things have already figured a lot of this out. We've had about 3 simular scenarios to the one above already. So much to learn in baby world.

Big news: Miranda rolled from her belly to her back. To be fair, it was mostly like falling...she pushed up with her arms, and her heavy head just flipped her right around! But, nonetheless, we'll claim it as her first rolling action. Every time she's laid flat on her back now she twists up her back and legs and cranes her neck around. It looks terribly uncomfortable; but also seems like it'll lead to rolling eventually. Such a talented little girl :-)

She has a new favorite toy; it's a piano-like stand, with 5 big buttons that light up and play songs. She loves to lay on her back and watch all the flashing lights. Best of all, if it stops singing, she can kick her feet to hit a button and start it again. Oh the joy!

1 comment:

Grandma Marcia said...

Believe me this parenting thing and learning in it is a daily effort and you will be amazed how much you learn as well as how much you teach.