Monday, April 27, 2009

The days are flying by...

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile (I think that's how I have to start all my posts recently). We've been trucking along, with busy jobs, and happy playful evenings with baby. Miranda is incredibly interactive these days. She's loving peek-a-boo and any funny face games. I love her little giggle, and the look of anticipation when she's waiting to laugh at something! She's fun. If you want to video chat, look us up on Skype!

Our camera is broken and shipped off for service. So, sorry, but no new pictures for a couple weeks. It's killing me not to be able to capture all her pretty faces, but we have a replacement camera coming down with Brandon's dad tomorrow!

Brandon has been busy a lot with year-end things at the college, and Peru trip prep. They leave in less than 2 weeks now - for a mission trip in Peru. The team is really good this year, I know they're going to have a great time! All the students have been over here to the house for some 'training sessions' - it's a living room full of laughter and plans and faithfilled kids. I'm excited for their trip, as is Brandon of course! Today he brought home 70+ stuffed Tigers (our school mascot) to pack and hand out to kids in Peru; how fun is that!

I'm (not so) patiently waiting with the rest of my family for our newest addition - Lisa is due within the next week and a half! Keep her and Scott in your prayers please! And think of Brandon and his team traveling on May 10 and the two weeks following. I really don't want him to come home with Swine Flu!

1 comment:

Grandma Marcia said...

I vote for Skype, it is wonderful. I love the idea of Brandon's crew taking school Tigers. That is great. Have a good but busy week. Talk to you soon.
Love all three of you.