Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Welcome March

Well, my Famine weekend is over and it went so well! I really enjoyed the evening and afternoon with my students. We had a group of college kids from Augustana come help with games and worship, and they were great. My young students did so well; didn't complain about the hunger, played all the games with enthusiasm, listened during the Bible lessons - they were just really good. They'll do a presentation in church next week to show the pictures and tell the stories. After that we're done fundraising; right now they have raised about $1300. I'm feeling so much more relaxed now that the Famine is over and went well - it's a lot of work.

Brandon went on a mini-mission trip to Minneapolis these last few days. They were working at a camp site, stocking a food pantry and (my fav) helping old ladies install the new cable boxes. Sounds like a good time! He's got a couple days off with the rest of spring break; so the whole family will finally be able to relax a little.

I posted some new pictures as Miranda has now entered her 5th month. Such a big girl! I can finally say looking back at her new-born pictures she seems like an entirely different baby, so tiny and squishy-faced. She really is growing up fast; don't they all! She recently tasted some carrots along with her rice cereal. She likes both foods quite well; opens her mouth real wide and leans in toward me to try to find the spoon the moment the last bite was swallowed. It's pretty cute - like everything she does these days. She's also become VERY interested in Jack the dog. She watches him everywhere he goes and reaches out to grab him whenever he walks by her. She loves it if we sit and pet him, he doesn't love it as much, because she grabs his fur and tugs!


Lisa J.B. Peterson, CFP(R) said...

"helping old ladies install the new cable boxes"

So they are ready for the "digital transition"? How funny! :)

I can't wait to see Miranda again in a couple of months (I guess more like 4 months!). I love looking at the photos - I'm off to look at the new batch now!

Girl of Approval said...

Glad to hear Miranda ia such a doll. I look forward to more pictures. She sure is cute.

It's always nice when a long worried project turns out well. Nice going!