Monday, December 1, 2008

Very Thankful

Well it's Monday, that this particular Monday means 'get back to reality'. We had a fantastically fun Thanksgiving break. We ate (and ate well), played crazy games, watched cheesy Christmas movies, cooed at the baby, and laughed the entire long weekend away. I am seriouslly so grateful for my family! We have such a good time together. My little brother always has the best stories and most refreshing laugh; I wish I could hang out with him way more than I get to. My father keeps the room in stiches whether he means to or not; everyone should be so lucky to have someone as easy-going and fun loving as this man in their family. My mom and grandma effortlessly made amazing meals over and over this week, and Mom even squeezed in some laundry and plenty of kitchen clean up in between hanging out. When we started playing games mom and grandma were both laughing so hard no one could speak anymore! My grandpa quietly takes it all in and reminds us all to enjoy the moment; I don't know quite what it is about his personality, but his very presence makes people happy. My husband - my wonderful husband - actually enjoys being with my family and celebrates these times with me. He cracks everyone up with his wit and keeps everything running smoothly. Meanwhile my best friend was in town, and she lights up any room - my family was seriously sitting around anticipating her visit with excitement. It was like the joy arrived when she walked into the room. To top it all beautiful daughter was smiley and flirty and happy and fun much to the enjoyment of all. I could go on another whole story of the delights of watching various family members holding and loving her. Papa Pete and Grandma (hers, my mom) really take the cake here - they just adore her and it's such a blessing to watch! But, I'll close this out, because that beautiful baby wants to be fed now! In sum - I'm thankful for family this year :-)

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