Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What just happened?

I woke to the familiar sounds of a hungry baby this morning, about 7:30. But I had one blaring questions in mind - what just happened? See, the unfamiliar thing about this morning, was I had been sleeping since 1 am. That's a long time! That's the longest I've slept since Miranda was born; it....was.....awesome! But here's the thing - I'm not 100% certain that she did sleep through the night. There's this little suspect notion in the back of my mind that we got up and did a feeding, and I just don't remember it at all. So, I'll still say that I slept through the night, but I'm not for sure that she did. I think so; she's been building up to an over-night sleep pattern. I just know it's very possible that I could, at this point, get up, feed, burp, change, rock, and put her back down and not really know about it. The mind gets a little fuzzy when you don't let it sleep for 7 weeks.

Anyway, here's the really cool thing about last night. Andy was fighting bed time with all she's worth. From 11pm to 1pm Brandon and I were passing off turns trying to get her to sleep. Typically, after her evening feeding, we lay her down, go to bed ourselves, and she falls asleep. It's a pretty easy pattern. But last night she kept getting up again, crying, wanting some cuddles. So, each of us would rock her to sleep, put her down, she'd wake up, we'd send the 'other parent' to start over. (wondering about the 'cool' part? getting there...) This was wearing me out, I really wanted to go to bed; at least for my new regular 2 hours of rest. So, I prayed in exhaustion, 'God, let this child sleep; I need some sleep.' I don't think I'd ever actually prayed that God would knock her out, we've just been going through the routine every day. But I prayed it, and meant it. So this morning when I woke up with the confusion of consecutive hours of sleep I knew God answered that prayer. As previously stated, I'm not sure if she slept through the night or I slept through the activity - but either way I felt good!


Girl of Approval said...

Yea for sleep!

Glad to hear someone was looking out for you. And very nice that Brandon is a good helper too.

The Butler Family said...

You're about to hit the magic 8 week mark!! My mom told me again and again when I was about lost my mind due to exhaustion "Just wait until he turns 8 weeks, things will get better," and by golly THEY DID! I'll never forget the first night I got 5 consecutive hours of sleep, I was so refreshed and invigorated I wrote our Christmas letters, LOL! And then he went to 6 hours and I wanted to dance on the ceiling! And then around 8 or 9 weeks old he slept for 7 straight hours and I almost cried for joy (my boobs were gonna explode, but it was worth it) LOL! It WILL get better, and you WILL sleep again! Hang in there! :)