Sunday, June 27, 2010

Family Vacation in Denver!

We got home yesterday from a fantastic family vacation in Denver, CO. We took in tons of sights and activities in town. My parents rented a gigantic home for everyone to stay in, it was beautiful and spacious, complete with pool table, theater room, jacuzzi tub, and private bathrooms for each family. Quite impressive.

Fun activities included:

My brother's daughter is 13 months old now. It was super fun for Miranda to play with her cousin. We liked hanging out at the house for meals, naps, World Cup games, movies, Ring-around-the-Rosie, catch, and books. Alice is such a sweet, sweet baby giving lots of hugs and always waving 'hi' to each member of the family!

Miranda liked the elephants and monkeys the best. Both girls did really well getting in and out of strollers and seeing all the funny animals. Alice was slightly more interested in the other people than the animals. Neither of the girls liked the scary carousal that grandma and grandpa just HAD to take them on!

Miranda went to the museum with Brandon, grandparents and me. There was a couple different rooms to free play with kid-sized houses, animal habitats, painting, building and dancing. Miranda loved the dress-up shoes and dancing in front on the big mirror. There's plenty of footage of that below!

IMAX 3D Toy Story 3
Brandon, my Dad and I went to a big movie theater for the great new Pixar flick! It was as good as the hype!

Miranda and Brandon both experienced their first Major League game. The entire family of 9 all went together, which was a pretty impressive feat! The girls didn't watch much of the game, of course. But they did enjoy meeting the Rockies' mascot "Dinger" who is conveniently a big purple dinosaur that Miranda called "BARNEY!" all night. Socks lost that first game, but won later in the week in an awesome game that Scott, Lisa and Eric went to!

As an unexpected bonus, the house we rented had a membership at the neighborhood 'pool club'. So we got in for free, and took the girls to the nice baby pool. There was also a sweet water slide designed for kids that went wicked fast and twisty for full-grown adults in the big pool. The 'Monkey Business' was an indoor play-land we took the daughters to one day. It was perfect to play at, since it was too hot outside for regular parks. This place had big inflatable bouncers and slides, and lots of things to climb up. The girls loved it (so did the adults!)

Unfortunately, our video footage is mostly of Miranda and not a lot of Alice or other family members. We mostly took pictures on Scott and Lisa's camera, so I'll connect a link to those soon - but we occasionally grabbed the video camera around the house, and took it to the Children's Museum.


Grandma Marcia said...

A perfect vacation it was. I love the dancing Miranda. You are such a pretty girl.

Unknown said...

I think you have quite the tap dancer there!

Unknown said...

I like the new look of your blog :)

Girl of Approval said...

Alice is getting so big. So is Miranda. I can't believe it.

Lisa J.B. Peterson, CFP(R) said...

I just stumbled upon this. Look at how little both girls are in this video... it's breathtaking! :)