Monday, January 25, 2010

Video Download Day!

We finally got some videos off the camera! First, the much anticipated...first steps! This was filmed at Christmastime, and really was Miranda's first walking session! She only took about 3 steps before Uncle Eric was on the camcorder and catching all the action.

She's been practicing her walking all month now, and is much more stable and strong already.

Next up; Miranda watches herself in the viewfinder.

And now, a baby's day in the office.

We had two other kids over that night, and they were watching cartoons, but Miranda just had a few loose ends to tie up at work.

A few short clips of fun at Christmas: Miranda got rides in the laundry basket, and care of Papa Pete's floor sweeping game!

This last video is a game Miranda played for nearly 20 minutes one day. After she had done about 10 rounds of this (put bears on the chair, climb up, hug bears, throw them off the chair) I decided to film it for awhile. We have about 5 minutes of this footage, but here's the condensed version. This was before Christmas, so she was 14 1/2 months old.


Grandma Marcia said...

Totally worth the wait. The computer one is adorable because she knows to go back and forth from the mouse to the keyboard.

Girl of Approval said...

She so is cute and I kept thinking, "Miranda has Vicky's nose."

Vicky & Brandon said...

She very much does have my nose - except it always turns out orange in the pictures. It's not really orange in real life!

Lisa J.B. Peterson, CFP(R) said...

Alice especially enjoyed them all... my favorite by far is baby at the office - hilarious! :)