Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas gifts

Miranda is at a totally fun age, and things keep happening all day and I think 'remember that to tell to people, it was funny!' Because she just learns something new everyday, and does something surprising every hour. So, here's a list of some new tricks our 14 1/2 month old has pulled out of her Christmas bag.

- Miranda tries to put on her own socks by placing the sock on top of the foot with lots of intensity and often grunting.

- She grunts a lot, to show she's really working hard. Sometimes she'll do it purely as a joke; move something that moves easily but grunt and fuss about it - just to be funny! Then laughs about how funny she is.
- She 'fake sleeps' when we lay her down in her crib. Lays down really quickly, and cuddles in the blanket, then pops her head back up and giggles at you as if to say 'see, I know how to do it! Watch, I'll do it again!'
- She can now say, w/ intention and meaning, Mama, Dada, NO, no, no, and Ball.
- She often says, but doesn't understand yet, 'Yesh'. We're pretty sure she's quoting Michael from 'the Office'.
- She's getting pretty good with a spoon; fed herself her entire lunch today, between using the spoon and fingers. The picture is from this weekend, when college kids were baking in our house.

- I changed her diaper today after Brandon had watched her for awhile, and the whole waistline was packed with graham crackers! This was sure a mystery to me, as she was wearing a onesie and didn't have access to her diaper to fill it with stuff - nor has she EVER done something like that before. She thought my shocked expression was DElightful and laughed and laughed as I cleaned them out. Brandon's only comment 'oh, you know, she was kinda itching her belly after we ate'. My guess is she was putting them inside her shirt from up at the neck! Crazy baby.
- Yesterday she was playing in the bathroom while I was using it. She saw the tp in my hand and asked for it. I gave it to her, because I'm a push-over. She took it and immediately started wiping the back of her leg/bum. How funny is that! Miranda is ALWAYS watching...guests beware!
- She figured out she can't reach the Christmas tree ornaments from sitting, or up on her knees. And she can't yet free-stand in the middle of the room. So she gets her walking toy and pushes it over to the tree so she can swat as the colorful bulbs.

- I love to see how she's problem solving now. Today she decided both of her crib blankies should come visit the living room, so she'd grab one and drag it up in front of her, than go back and get the other and drag it up to the first. Then she tried to stuff them both inbetween her legs and crawl/push with them for awhile. It took a long time, but she got them both half-way down the hallway. Meanwhile Mom farmed on Facebook and supervised the project!
- She's learned to tickle you back. She doesn't do it often, but when she remembers it she'll find some exposed skin and move her fingers really gently and say ki-ki-ki then laugh and laugh.
- She LOVES to stand up and reach down to pick something off the ground. She'll support herself on the couch or me, and repeatedly throw something on the floor just to pick it up over and over. Every third or fourth time she'll punch the object up in the air in a victorious celebration!

All in all, Miranda is entertaining her parents and we're loving this stage of postbaby/pretoddler. She's not quite walking on her own yet, but getting close now. Today was perhaps the most fussy, frustrating, tantrum-filled day she's ever had; and I STILL love her at the end of it, so we're doing good there! What new wonder will she have in store tomorrow...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Vetter's had a great Thanksgiving, with a full house of fun! Miranda is up on her feet running all around, as long as someone comes along, and there were plenty of fingers to hold this weekend!

Vicky's Mom and Dad came down, and Mom made two fabulous meals that we'll be eating on for 2 weeks to come! Her brother Eric also came, and brought his super-nice girlfriend Laura, and super-playful puppy Cooper! So all together we were 6 adults, 1 baby, 2 dogs, and unfortunately 1 mouse; well ex-mouse thanks to Dad's late night heroics!

The weather was great, so we got some time in at the park. Miranda does love that swing!

And, of course, we had to show Laura the Corn Palace. Where else could she see a mural of a sag~way made of ears of corn stapled to the side of a garish building?!

There are a few pictures up on Picasa, but we were using other cameras more than mine, so I'll post more when I can steal them from everyone else.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving too!! Hi Jodi!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

October...where did you go?

I've neglected my blogging and posting of video duties. Apparently the kid turned one and I decided the world has seen enough of her. The grandparents don't agree though! So here are two videos for you, from her birthday, both over a month old - better late than never. It's surprising how she already seems older and smarter now than these videos, just 6 weeks ago. Watch for footage soon of some wobbly first steps...Miranda's pulling up and creeping along furniture, but not yet free-range.

This video is some clips from her actual birthday, Sept 29th.

The following video is a fun ball game Miranda came up with at Grandma's house in late September.

Mama and the baby leave for Boston on Wednesday, for a few days with Baby Alice and her parents. Grandma Marcia is coming too! Should be fun, but we wouldn't mind a little extra prayer coverage for the plane rides on Wed. and the following Sunday!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, Miranda!

I feel bad for not posting on Miranda's actual birthday, but we were just so busy celebrating :-) Actually, most of the fun happened last weekend, when we spent a few days in Bismarck with family and friends. We had a great birthday party for Miranda with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Eric, Great-grandparents, Grandpa Vetter, Uncle Bob, Godfather, and friends! Unfortuneately, the people behind the cameras were just so captured with Miranda's beauty, they forgot to get pictures of anyone else but her - so it's looks like she celebrated mostly on her own! We did have fun though, with food and cake, presents and giggles!

We also spent a few hours at the Pumpkin Patch, which was amazing fun! Be sure to follow the link on the right to see pictures of this spectacle! Lots of pumpkins, lots of hay, lots of people, lots of sunshine, just one trebucht, lots of fun.

For Miranda's actual birthday: we played with all our fun new toys, went out to dinner, and took our monthly growth pictures. Good day. Crazy to think she's a whole year already. It really does go as fast as everyone warns you it will! Our birthday girl has been a joy and blessing to us everyday since she arrived; I'm quite enamored with her, to put it mildly.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Walmart Pro Photos!

We took Miranda in for 'professional' one year pictures today. I say 'pro', because it was just Walmart, and not an independent photographer or anything fancy. It went pretty well; Miranda cooperated and was in a decent mood. She was a little apprehensive of all the new things, and this picture lady always yelping and whistling to make her look. This anxiety can be seen in the hand that never left her ear or mouth - but that's ok, looks pretty cute anyway!

Some really cute pictures in her little dress; and great ones with the beloved Pooh bear.

We gave her a cake and let her mess it, and herself, up. That was fun. She didn't give us many good smiles though, because she was just so interested in examining this new texture.

The great thing about Walmart, is that you get all the proofs on CD to use however you want - so, all the pics, even the 'enhancements' with frosted frames and whatnot, are up on Picasa!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Some more new pictures up on the Picasa page. I love Picasa and it's ever-growing collection of Miranda's life!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Office Party

Well it's been a busy week at the Vetter home, but we of course made time for our favorite show, The Office, which premiered a new season last night. In preparation, we watched a few episodes from Season 5, and discovered that Miranda HAS to compulsively dance to the opening theme song!

Just as funny was the little 2 1/2 year old girl that came to watch with us, who matter of factly asked her Mom and Dad "Is that Michael?" - I guess they've seen a few shows too!

Miranda is on Acid Reflux medicine, and Soy milk instead of Whole. These two things have helped settle down the puking, and we're all doing much better! Now she just needs to pack on some pounds and catch up to her previous growth curve. Watch out world, big baby on the way...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Joy and Angst

Miranda's day is filled with joy and sorrow as much as any adult. Except she can find joy in a seemingly uninteresting dish towel, and her angst doesn't extend much beyond yucky tasting food! It's good to be little :-)

Sadly, Miranda is still throwing up a good number of meals. We kept good track this week, to see the trends and any food connections. Nothing clear. But we do know she's thrown up 8 times in the past 7 days; so that's not great.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

11 months old

Today is Miranda's 11 month birthday - such a big girl. It'll be a one year celebrating before long! There are new pictures up on Picasa; a couple really good ones this week :-)

We started the acid reflux medicine last night - and then threw it all up. But we'll hopeful the puking will calm down sometime this week!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Puke and Freshmen

I haven't sat down to blog, or post pictures lately - but I have a good excuse; our lives have been covered in puke and freshmen. Thankfully not freshman puke - we'll leave that job to the RD's - but plenty of freshmen orientation and moving in activities that keep Brandon and his ministry team hoping. Leaving me to fend for myself at home with the puker. Miranda is having some sort of eating issue - mainly the issue being what see eats ends up all over her clothes, chair, spit rags, bibs, hair, mom's clothes, carpet, furniture, etc! She's throwing up about 1 meal a day, soemtimes 2. Lots of theories abound from other parents of pukers; we haven't pinpointed her issue yet. But the doc's are on it! In the meantime, she's still pretty happy and healthy and roaming all thoughout the house. So we're not too worried, just trying to make sure she gets enough calories and keep up with the ever increasing laundry!

I'll get some new pics up soon - I'll spare you pictures of the real 'action' around here though!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Forward Motion

Miranda is now exploring with forward motion; getting quicker by the day!

She immediately discovered fun new sounds in the kitchen. Don't worry, grandma, we put locks on the garbage, cleaners, and pots and pans.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Miranda is no longer limited by her lack of mobility. She is officially a crawler, as of last Friday, and has now become quite familiar with the word 'No.' I don't think I had to tell her 'no' before, now it's every hour. Mom and Dad are scrambling to lock up cabinet doors, close bathroom doors, get the dog away from the highchair at meal time, and prevent little whatevers, from anywhere in the room, from entering that tiny mouth. Thankfully, she seems to actually respond to NO, for now anyway. She'll typically stop what she's doing and look at us for clarification or further direction. We'll see if that lasts! It seems her personality has blossomed overnight as she now know exactly what she wants, and knows how to get there to reach it. Anyone getting in the way of this process will receive a back-arching, shreaking fit. But it only last about 10 seconds and she finds something new to coo at! Always an adventure!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

10 month old baby

Miranda is so old...we can't even believe it! She's 10 months today and learning all sorts of big girl things like...
Standing with support!



And...Cracking jokes!

She is delightful; silly and giggly and chattering constantly! Not really crawling yet, still just getting up on the knees and sitting back down. But everyday she gets a little more coordinated. She's got one little tooth now, on the bottom left, and I'm sure more will soon follow. We're really enjoying her; just wish she wouldn't grow up quite so fast!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa Pete!

It's my dad's birthday - which surprisingly, falls on the same day as Miranda's Grandpa's birthday! Have a happy day Papa Pete!

The Vetter's are glad to be back in a routine after a good week at camp. I'll post some pictures from the Rock, but they're pretty random. Once we have the week-in-review video done I'll send everyone a link to that!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ready to Rock!

The Vetters are off to camp! Wish us luck - pray for our campers this week!

Miranda's all packed up and ready to go!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Babes in Boston!

Miranda is quite the little traveler...flew to Boston and back without trouble! She loved running through the airport when we thought we were going to miss our flight: mom and dad didn't like it quite as well :-)

We met our beautiful new neice/cousin Alice. Miranda kept trying to hold her hand, we wouldn't let her get much closer because she would scratch at Alice's pretty face.

Brandon baptized Alice at a special ceremony with the whole family and lots of friends gathered at her grandma & grandpa's home. Alice screemed the whole time - but Brandon was able to squeeze in the blessing none-the-less!

It was a great trip to the big city; complete with Boston Duck Tour (quack!) and lots of family fun :-)

There are a lot more pictures at the link on the right; also growth pictures for Miranda's 9th month birthday. Can you believe it - 9 months! But not crawling and no teeth yet. so she's still my little baby!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Run, run, run

I guess summer is a good time to get out running, but our family isn't exactly the lace up the sneakers and go for a jog type. Instead, we've been running to keep up with a crazy-full schedule of lots of great events and destinations, that make one marathon of a summer.

Last week we were in Rapid City for the Methodist Church's Annual Conference. This was a big year for us, as Brandon was fully ordained as an elder (Pastor)! You can see pictures at our Picasa site on the right. The ceremony was really nice, formal and elegant. Brandon likes to compare this milestone to a college prof receiving tenure - as he now is employed indefinitely. That's sure nice security in this day of so many lay-offs (trusting of course that the Methodist Church won't entirely collapse during our lifetime - pretty unlikely!) The rest of the week at conference was fun too. We caught up with a lot of old friends, lots of Pastors and church leaders. Miranda survived her first hotel stay pretty well; she even patiently endured the regular schedule getting thrown way out of whack. It's good to know she travels well, as we have a lot more of that coming up! She also had her first trip into a big swimming pool - she wasn't a big fan of the cold water though, so it was a short trip.

Yesterday we drove to Winner, SD for Robbie and Vicki's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony for an amazing couple. It was fun to see so many graduated college students there! I have never driven through SW South Dakota, it's gorgeous! Brandon and I parted ways there, as he drove onto Rapid City for a week of High School camp and Miranda and I drove home.

This morning and afternoon Miranda and I enjoyed the huge benefit and celebration for Pastor Brad at the Lutheran Church where I work. There were hundreds of people there, we didn't have near enough seats or food! We planned for 500, and that wasn't enough - how amazing! I haven't heard how much money was raised yet but there were wonderful gift baskets in the raffle, homemade items in the silent auction and fantastic baked goods for sale, on top of lunch and free will donations - I think the total will be very helpful in paying down Brad and Joan's increasing medical bills! It was great to see so many people from all his different churches drive into town just to see and celebrate him; this year is also their 30th wedding anniversary, and his 30th year in ministry! It was a good day.

This week will surely fly by with lots of evening meetings and work commitments while I try to manage single parenting with Brandon out in the Hills. When Brandon gets back he has a wedding to perform here in town, and then we're all off to Boston for an extended-family vacation. All the Peterson crew are meeting up at Scott's to cuddle and kiss our new little Alice! Can't wait! Let's hope Miranda will fly as well as she rides in the car.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Daddy's Home!

Brandon got home from Peru this week! He was gone for 12 days; but it sure seemed longer when trying to manuvre single-parenting. The trip was a grand success. It started out really rocky; with huge airline problems causing them to lose a full day stuck in Miami then another day in Lima waiting for the luggage that didn't come from Miami. So they were a couple days behind on work schedule in Chincha; but made up for it with hard dedicated workers. The pictures show lots of time spent with the neighborhood children sharing loads of hugs and giggles. I"ll work on getting some pics up for you; they're still gathering them together from all the students. The team was awesome; Brandon was very impressed with the great attitudes and servant mindedness of his students!

Miranda and mommy missed him, but did pretty well throughout the week. I'm grateful for friends in town and a fantastic babysitter that helped watch her when I had evening commitments. She tried really hard not to learn any big new things so Brandon wouldn't miss out. Below is a video of her playing; she's gotten pretty good at clapping now which is one of her newer skills.

Big news in the Peterson family - Scott and Lisa had their baby girl! Alice is one week and one day old now. She's home now, eating, sleeping, eating and sleeping. She's beautiful and I swear she's already smiling in some of the pictures! I can't wait to go out to Boston in June and cuddle her!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day all you moms out there. I'm very happy to be in the mommy club this year. It is a club, I feel, an unspoken understanding among Moms everywhere. It seems to me that any gathering of moms will contain conversation on those little annoying things kids do; whether it's babies not sleeping, toddlers not listening, or teens not caring, but everyone in the circle knows those kids we're complaining about are our children and we love them to the moon and back! There's always that tone of endearment amidst the frustration. So, this mother's day - enjoy your kids; the handfuls they are!

Miranda hasn't been sleeping through the night lately- so that's our frustration. But she is learning new things each day, which is so fun to watch! She has a full fledge individual personality now; and it's a pretty likable one. She likes to play games and be silly. One of our favorite games is peek-a-boo; specifically when someone hides behind the couch and pops out on different sides, or unexpected places. She watches, and leans from side to side looking, then sqweels with delight when you appear. (I just explained peek-a-boo, as if you were all so unfamiliar with the concept!) Anyway, it's fun to make her laugh. When she wants to be silly she shakes her head from side to side like no-no-no-no and dances her legs a bit. She fully expects you to laught at this - so the jokes go both ways. Unfortunately personality comes with assertion and Miranda will certainly let you know what she wants in no uncertain terms; whether its a toy, or to be picked up, or food - she wants it now! Brandon thinks she gets that from me; could be.

We decided our Mother's Day/Anniversary tradition should be family photo shoots. Since May is almost half a year from Miranda's birthday this could ensure we have good pictures twice a year, of her on her birthdays and all of us on Mother's Day. So, we took our first outing to the park yesterday to attemp some colorful pictures. Conditions weren't good, windy, very bright and sunny, and baby was a little cranky. But, there were about 6 or 7 good shots in the whole ordeal. We actually got better ones in our own backyard later in the evening. So, that makes Mom happy! Visit the "Web Albums" link on the right to see these.

The big news around here is, of course, Brandon's trip to Peru. He left this afternoon with a few of the students and they are picking up more along the way to Omaha, NE. Once everyone is together 19 people will fly to Peru tomorrow morning! We had 3 of the college girls staying with us this week; as school got out last week and they were homeless until the trip. Everyone was pretty excited, nervous about remembering to pack everything, and gearing up for a long day of travel tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about how things will go around here without Miranda's favorite man; but I'm sure we'll manage. Brandon's co-leader Leah is leaving a house with 2 young girls and their daddy - so if he can do it, I can for sure, right!? Pray for the Peru mission team and all the things they'll see and do in the coming days!

No new baby Peterson yet - my vote is for today - have that baby already, Lisa; it's mother's day!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today is my 28th birthday, and Miranda's 7th month day. I'm slightly more excited about the later than the former! She's been so silly today, I just have to share it. She learned to clap, literally today. Did it once over lunch, then we all kept clapping at her and she'd join in! It's adorable :-). She's always been a fan of clapping when we do it to her, so you can just see the joy in her face now that's she's figured it out! She's also been 'clicking' her tongue, but sucking in and flicking it. She's done this before, but not for awhile now. Today she's playing with her Grandpa Ed and pulling out all her greatest tricks to win over his heart.

We took some great pictures with her and all those stuffed Tigers for Peru - you'll have to go check them out at the link on the right. She was in a good mood to put up with all my posings.

Thanks to all for the many birthday wishes; we're having a fun day around here!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The days are flying by...

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile (I think that's how I have to start all my posts recently). We've been trucking along, with busy jobs, and happy playful evenings with baby. Miranda is incredibly interactive these days. She's loving peek-a-boo and any funny face games. I love her little giggle, and the look of anticipation when she's waiting to laugh at something! She's fun. If you want to video chat, look us up on Skype!

Our camera is broken and shipped off for service. So, sorry, but no new pictures for a couple weeks. It's killing me not to be able to capture all her pretty faces, but we have a replacement camera coming down with Brandon's dad tomorrow!

Brandon has been busy a lot with year-end things at the college, and Peru trip prep. They leave in less than 2 weeks now - for a mission trip in Peru. The team is really good this year, I know they're going to have a great time! All the students have been over here to the house for some 'training sessions' - it's a living room full of laughter and plans and faithfilled kids. I'm excited for their trip, as is Brandon of course! Today he brought home 70+ stuffed Tigers (our school mascot) to pack and hand out to kids in Peru; how fun is that!

I'm (not so) patiently waiting with the rest of my family for our newest addition - Lisa is due within the next week and a half! Keep her and Scott in your prayers please! And think of Brandon and his team traveling on May 10 and the two weeks following. I really don't want him to come home with Swine Flu!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Miranda is 6 months old!

I can't believe it - our little baby girl is 6 months old! Happy half-birthday day, Miranda Ann! And what a big girl she is, growing like a weed and learning something new everyday. About 15 minutes ago she rolled onto her belly, then rolled onto her back, they once more onto her belly; very effectively rolling herself right into grasping distance of Jack, the object of her desire. Watch out world - she's mobile!

We went for Miranda's 6 month check-up on Thursday. Everything looks good, right on track! She weighs 15 lbs 13 oz; 27 inches long, and a good head size. Her weight is right at the 50% for her age, but her length is at the 85% - so she's a tall girl. She had a couple immunization shots at this appointment. That's usually a cry-fest, but she did so well this time! She gasped and turned red right when they poked her, then screeched and started to cry. But just then the Dr. peeked into the room and joked with the nurses to 'stop hurting the babies around here' to which we three chuckled, and that made Miranda laugh! So she did this crazy laugh while crying mixture, and then was fine. All told she was upset for about 20 seconds.

I'm constantly amazed at all the new things she can do. She sits pretty well now, but topples over before long. Her legs are getting really strong; she stands when we're holding her and kicks everything. Loves to kick and splash in the tub! She's so interactive and fun now - laughing and playing all the time. 2 weeks ago she'd have a giggle fit when we tickled her belly or kissed her neck. Now she'll laugh just at funny faces or voices; so we're telling lots of hilarious jokes :-). I love to cuddle this kid-o; we lay on the floor or in the bed and talk, cooing and giggling and just loving on each other! I hope to always remember these precious moments with my daughter; they swell up my heart with joy. She's seriously delightful!

List of tid-bits about Miranda: her eyes are still blue, she's loved every new baby food we've introduced, she hums while she nurses, she wakes up happy and talking, she loves to throw her head back and stretch out her neck, she watches Jack everywhere he goes and likes to pull his hair, she only poops once every 2 days, she doesn't have any teeth yet, she likes to bang on tables and anything with her hands, she sucks her toes whenever possible, she's growing hair but is mostly still a baldy, she loves to grab the remote-cell phone-cup-food away from mommy and daddy. I'd like to go on and on describing every wonderful little thing she does; but I may bore you all. In short - she's an awesome baby.

In other news:
- Our family members in North Dakota are all ok (right now at least); Fargo has a lot of waiting and watching this week yet.
- Pastor Brad at my church is a couple weeks into chemo and radiation treatment. He's feeling ok right now, but expected to get sick pretty soon. The prognosis on his cancer is not encouraging. The church has hired an interim, who will start after Easter.
- Dakota Wesleyan is undergoing a lot of change in personnel; which has been sad and tough on many. Brandon's job is ok, but he's losing some great co-workers and his department is restructuring a lot. I think he'll be moving offices this summer.
- B's been on the road almost every weekend leading services at various churches along with the Peru mission team. They're working hard to raise money for the trip. The team is really good and Brandon enjoys working with them; it will be a great mission trip this May.
- My brother and sister-in-law are expecting their baby in about 6 weeks! I'm so excited about this baby! We're going out to Boston in June to meet the little bundle of joy.

I'll work on some new pictures for the albums this afternoon - so check them out.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Welcome March

Well, my Famine weekend is over and it went so well! I really enjoyed the evening and afternoon with my students. We had a group of college kids from Augustana come help with games and worship, and they were great. My young students did so well; didn't complain about the hunger, played all the games with enthusiasm, listened during the Bible lessons - they were just really good. They'll do a presentation in church next week to show the pictures and tell the stories. After that we're done fundraising; right now they have raised about $1300. I'm feeling so much more relaxed now that the Famine is over and went well - it's a lot of work.

Brandon went on a mini-mission trip to Minneapolis these last few days. They were working at a camp site, stocking a food pantry and (my fav) helping old ladies install the new cable boxes. Sounds like a good time! He's got a couple days off with the rest of spring break; so the whole family will finally be able to relax a little.

I posted some new pictures as Miranda has now entered her 5th month. Such a big girl! I can finally say looking back at her new-born pictures she seems like an entirely different baby, so tiny and squishy-faced. She really is growing up fast; don't they all! She recently tasted some carrots along with her rice cereal. She likes both foods quite well; opens her mouth real wide and leans in toward me to try to find the spoon the moment the last bite was swallowed. It's pretty cute - like everything she does these days. She's also become VERY interested in Jack the dog. She watches him everywhere he goes and reaches out to grab him whenever he walks by her. She loves it if we sit and pet him, he doesn't love it as much, because she grabs his fur and tugs!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Too busy!

I've been reminded by a couple different people that I haven't written anything for about a month now. But, for good reason - it's been a very busy month! Brandon is gearing up for a mission trip to Peru; which means he's on the road most weekends or at least Sundays, leading services with his team in various cities. Some of them are over-nights. I've been getting ready for the 30 Hour Famine, which is always involved and full of little tasks for me. My youth and I are fasting tomorrow, and we have a lock-in which ends with a free meal for the general community. So today I did the grocery shopping, and have been gathering supplies for the games and lock-in all week. Plus, we've both been sick with colds and flu and possibly laryngitis that all just seems to drag on and on.

The biggest thing at the church though is our Pastor, Brad. He found out he had a brain tumor about a week and half ago. Had surgery last Friday to remove it, and is now in recovery for a few weeks before starting cancer treatments. The surgery actually went really well. In his absence, the few of us in the office have been scrambling to fill all his duties. Mostly this week we've been trying to figure out meals and help for him and his wife around the house (she has MS and limited activity.) I don't mean to complain that his illness has lead to extra work for us, I'm more than ready to do what I can to help them out - I just write about it to ask for prayers for Brad & Joan, and our church in general to keep moving forward.

In brighter news, Miranda is light and joy and laughter everyday. No matter what the day brings I can't wait to play on the floor and blow strawberries on her belly. She's really good at grasping now and will grab our cheeks or nose and giggle, giggle, giggle. She plays in her 'exersaucer' that spins around to give her access to 6 different toys. She doesn't really roll over yet - I think she can, just isn't interested. She recently discovered her feet, so whenever she's on her back she grabs them right away - thus she'll fall onto either side, but keep holding her feet and can't roll over! Everyday she seems to 'talk' more and laugh more and play new games - she's just awesome!

Say a prayer for my teens tomorrow night - they'll be tired and cranky, and HUNGRY. Come to think of it, say a prayer for me!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

World of firsts!

I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. Miranda has kept us hopping with lots of new activities; actually the rest of life is busy and she's a welcome respite. But we have had some firsts. She's just now getting over her first cold. That was a sad series of events. I had a cold and just as I was getting over it she started getting stuffy and weezy. By the next day her nose was running and she was just full of sneezes and coughs. Her little watery eyes and red drippy nose looked just absolutely pitiful. Meanwhile she had her 4 month check-up and had to get some more vaccines. So, she was a little feverish from that too. But she was a little trooper and after a day of sleeping and plenty of Tylenol she was doing much better. Today she was all smiles and giggles again. The giggles would be another one of her 'firsts' in recent weeks.

Her check-up had all good reports. She's up to 13 lbs and 13 oz. I was actually surprised, because I was sure she was over 14, maybe 15 already - she seems so big to me! But she's growing right on pace; she's consistently been at the 51% at each dr visit.

Other firsts have been: first birthday party (which was really just going out to dinner for Daddy's birthday) first pair of jeans (worn to Daddy's birthday) first bath without crying (mommy's happy about this, now we bathe every other day because she really likes it!) first taste of food (rice cereal, hopefully will help her sleep longer at night) and just for fun first time trying on Daddy's clothes (they're a little big).

There's lots of good new pictures on Picasa, follow the link to the right.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

so much to learn...

(Conversation at the Vetter house after returning from Christmas vacation)
Brandon: Miranda's happy to be back in her familiar swing.
Vicky: Yeah, it's too bad this one doesn't recline though, like the other one at home, that was nice.
Brandon: Seriously, you think all swing makers would think of that, since all baby's necks are so floppy.
Vicky: I know; wait, what does that metal bar on the back of the swing do?
Brandon (messing with the bar) Oh, it reclines the seat, so she doesn't flop around.
Vicky: Good to know, after 3 months of trying to prop her up in there!

Tip to future parents - if something seems inconveinent, check if there's a quick fix already available...Seems like the makers of baby-things have already figured a lot of this out. We've had about 3 simular scenarios to the one above already. So much to learn in baby world.

Big news: Miranda rolled from her belly to her back. To be fair, it was mostly like falling...she pushed up with her arms, and her heavy head just flipped her right around! But, nonetheless, we'll claim it as her first rolling action. Every time she's laid flat on her back now she twists up her back and legs and cranes her neck around. It looks terribly uncomfortable; but also seems like it'll lead to rolling eventually. Such a talented little girl :-)

She has a new favorite toy; it's a piano-like stand, with 5 big buttons that light up and play songs. She loves to lay on her back and watch all the flashing lights. Best of all, if it stops singing, she can kick her feet to hit a button and start it again. Oh the joy!